Increase your desire in 1 hour....

Doing this one free thing makes having sex the next day 14% more likely!

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Welcome to Yourology with Dr. Malik – your weekly prescription for the latest medical updates, valuable insights, and freshest highlights straight from the frontlines of medicine!


Did you know that doing this one free thing makes having sex the next day 14% more likely?

In the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers recruited 171 healthy college-age women to understand factors that might affect their sexual function and had them complete daily diaries on their sexual desire, feelings of arousal and orgasmic function, lubrication, times they had sex or masturbated, and their mood, fatigue, and sleep quality.

What they found was that women who had more consistently longer average sleep duration were more likely to feel aroused the next day and have better lubrication, and for women in romantic relationships sleeping one additional hour of sleep a night was associated with increased sexual desire and a 14% increased chance of sexual activity.

So my takeaway? If you want to have sex, make sure you and your partner are both well-rested the night before!


Ever wonder how much you should be drinking? Here's a trick - look at your urine!

  • If it's clear - you're drinking too much water.

  • If it's dark yellow - you need to drink more water.

Aim for your urine to be light yellow like lemonade and you'll be drinking the right amount!


Every week, Dr. Malik will answer a question from one of our subscribers. If you have a question you'd like Dr. Malik to answer, submit it here for a chance to be featured!


Last week I interviewed the amazing Charles Duhigg for our podcast about his new book Supercommunicators. It's a great book and I highly recommend you check it out!

Being able to communicate well at work, at home, and in relationships is truly a superpower that everyone can learn to do!

Also, if you haven't subscribed to the podcast - check out our latest giveaway because we're giving away $10,000 worth of prizes!

Just click this button and follow the simple instructions to join the giveaway:


Boost Your Penile Length And Girth With a Penis Pump?! Urologist Explains

Curious about whether penis pumps can actually boost your size? In this video, Dr. Malik explores the different viewpoints and studies on penile pumps and their effectiveness in enhancing length and girth:

Boost Your Penile Length And Girth With a Penis Pump?! Urologist Explains

Empowering Your Health Journey

We believe in empowering you with knowledge to make informed decisions about your health. Explore Dr. Malik's informative resources for valuable insights on reproductive systems and other health topics.

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    Dr. Malik also offers a premium membership with exclusive resources, ad-free content, and more.

As always, remember to take care of yourself because you're worth it!

Yours Truly,

Rena Malik, M.D

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